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Lugar Nombre del Libro Autor Editorial 1Stick Control
George L. Stone Stone & Son Publishing 2Syncopation Ted Reed Ted Reed Publications 3
Advanced Techniques
for the Modern DrummerJ. Chapin Jim Chapin Publications 4Accents and Rebounds George L. Stone Stone & Son Publishing 5Master Studies Joe Morello Modern Drummer 6Musicians Guide to Polyrhythms (Vol 1 & 2) Peter Magadini Hal Leonard Publications 7The New Breed Gary Chester Modern Drummer 8Portraits in Rhythm Anthony J. Cirone Belwin/Mills 9
Studio & Big Band Drumming Steve Houghton C.L. Barnhouse 10Future Sounds David Garibaldi Alfred Publishing 11Realistic Rock Carmine Appice Almo Publications 12Afro-Cuban Rhythms for Drumset Malabe and Weiner Manhattan Music Publications 13Drum Concepts and Techniques Peter Erskine Hal Leonard 14Modern School for Snare Drum Morris Goldenberg Hal Leonard 15Double Bass Drummig Joe Franco CPP Belwin, Inc. 16The Sound of Brushes Ed Thigpen CPP Belwin, Inc. 17Bass Drum Control Colin Bailey Drum Workshop Publications 18
Modern Rudimental Swing Solos
Charles Wilcoxon Wilcoxon 19
Patterns (Vol 1,2,3,4) Gary Chaffee 20Buddy Rich's Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments Buddy Rich & Henry Adler Embassy Music 21Advanced Funk Studies Rich Latham Latham 22Modern Reading Text in 4/4
Bellson and Breines CPP Belwin, Inc. 23Drum Wisdom Bob Moses Modern Drummer Publications 24Even In The Odds Ralph Humphrey C.L. Barnhouse 25The Drumset with Afro-Caribbean Rhythms (Parts 1 & 2) Chuck Silverman CPP Belwin, Inc. Lista suplemanteria
Elementary Drum Method, por Roy Burns
Odd Time Reading, por Bellson and Breines
Contemporary Studies for the Advanced Snare Drummer, por Fred Albright
- Rhythmic Analysis, por Fred Albright
Progressive Studies for the Snare Drum (Books 2, 3, and 4), por Carl Gardner
Rick's Lick's, por Rick Gratton
Funkifying the Clave-Afro Cuban Grooves for Bass and Drums
The All-American Drummer, por Charles Wilcoxon
Drum Loops for Live Drums, por Frank Derrick
Championship Concepts for Marching Percussion, por Thom Hannum and Bob Morrison
Drummers Rudimental Reference Book, por John Wooton
A Fresh Approach to the Snare Drum, por Mark Wessels
Initium I, II, III, IV and Methode De Caisse-Claire, oor Jacques Delacluse
Snare Drum Method, por Vic Firth
- Modern Method for Timpani, por Saul Goodman
Solo Timpanist, por Vic Firth
Mallet Technique, por Vic Firth
Modern School for Snare Drum, por Morris Goldenberg