Curso Gratis de Introducción a la Astronomía
Perfilado de sección
Curso de Introducción a la Astronomía
La astronomía es la ciencia que se ocupa del estudio de los cuerpos celestes, sus movimientos y los fenómenos ligados a ellos.
Les doy a cada uno de ustedes la más cordial bienvenida.Espero que este curso nos permita compartir y aprender acerca de esta importante ciencia.
El profesor.
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El Sistema Solar
La edad aproximada del sol es 4,567 billones de años, que corresponde a la mitad de su vida. En la última parte de ésta, el sol se convertirá en una gigante roja, la cuál se expandirá más allá de la órbita de marte, la tierra desaparecerá. -
Como discutimos el la clase del día 06 de agosto, cada estrella tiene un ciclo de vida: nace, evoluciona y muere.
Vast accumulations of stellar material, typically containing several million individual stars. They range in appearance from the irregular, through the elliptical, to delicate and elaborate spirals.
Cosmology is a branch of astronomy that deals with the origin, structure, and evolution of the universe from the beginning of time to the future.
The big bang is one of the best-known theories on the origin of the universe, according to it, the universe is the result of an expansion of Space-Time from a singularity.
Other cosmological models are, stationary universe, electric universe or plasma theory, twin universe, holographic universe, cyclical universe and fractal universe, among others.
Branch of astronomy that studies the radio waves generated by celestial bodies and uses these emissions to obtain information about them.
Observe the sky
Select your location and uncover the stars and constellations that you can see from your home.Click here
To learn how to observe the sky we recommend the book "Exploring the Night Sky"
End comments and self-assessment
We thank the participants of this course. We expect their comments and suggestions. Hasta la vista, for all of you.
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